Counsultations can be combined, depending on your subject matter. Online consultations are possible.
- What is horary astrology?
- When can horary astrology be helpful?
- What questions can you ask?
- How do you know that your question is authentic?
- When is the right time to ask a question?
- Course of the horary consultation
- Fees for horary astrology
Horary astrology or one-question-astrology used to be called the "doctrine of inquiry" and is a branch of traditional astrology. It answers specific questions that cannot be answered precisely with other astrological techniques. Horary astrology relates to the moment the question is asked and can provide surprisingly accurate insights that can help assess future developments. However, it is essential to remember that horary astrology is by no means fatalistic. The decision about what to do, how to proceed, and how to possibly change the outcome is left to the person asking the question. The purpose of a one-question-astrology is to stimulate thoughts that help us make better decisions.
When is horary astrology helpful?
If you have a very detailed question about a particular situation, such as your job, partnership, house, or children, or if you want to know details about another topic, such as a particular project, job application, relocation, or sale, and would like to hear an astrological perspective on it, then this is the right consultation for you.
Contrary to popular belief, horary astrology can give much more than short "yes" or "no" answers. You can see this in several examples from my practice described in the texts "Professional and home-related questions - horary astrology" and "Horary astrology: will I keep my job?". The difference between the partnership questions that can be answered with horary astrology in contrast to partner horoscope, where two natal horoscopes are analyzed and compared, is illustrated in the text "Should I move in with my partner? And other relationship questions".
Under the following link, you can read an authentic horoscope analysis of a 17th-century question about which side to take in a conflict: "Historic horary astrology: Which side to take?" by Wiliam Lilly.
A one-question horoscope is created explicitly for your question and can help you make decisions. Why is that so? Because your question carries your whole situation within it, and the horoscope of the question reflects this. After the horary horoscope reveals the state of affairs, the decision-making is in your hands, as always in astrology. You decide for yourself whether you want to make further efforts or not. However, horary astrology can help you be better informed. It can confirm or refute your doubts and expectations and give you some new details to consider.
Difference between horary astrology and annual horoscope
Horary astrology is a technique that can answer highly specific questions about situations. A horary horoscope only refers to the question you have asked and related possibilities. For annual horoscopes, I incorporate the analysis of the birth chart and use other astrological techniques to examine various themes over a longer period of time and shed light on the interplay of personality, individual areas of life and possibilities.
You can read an example that illustrates the difference and can help you decide which consultation is best for you: "Horary astrology or annual horoscope?". Or have a look at the questions below to see if you should go for the horary astrology or the annual horoscope. Of course you can also send me your question and I will tell you whether it is suitable for the horary astrology or not.
Alternatively, you can combine your specific question with an annual horoscope if that suits your interest. Formulate the specific question and send it together with the request for the annual horoscope. The surcharge for the annual horoscope will apply in this case.
What kind of questions can you ask?
Provided your interest is genuine, you have an urgent request, and you do not ask the same question several times, you can ask questions about any area of life.
Generally, you can ask these types of questions:
Is something going to happen or not? Will something specific be good for me? How will a (clearly defined) project develop?
Here are some examples of questions from my practice:
- Is the apartment we just saw that we want to rent suitable for us?
- Will my business be profitable?
- Will I get the job I have applied for?
- Will I have restrictions on making music in my new apartment?
- Will I be admitted to university?
- Does my relationship have a future?
- Will I sell the apartment during this (specific) period?
- Will I get the money I borrowed back?
- Will moving to another (specifically named) city be beneficial to my career?
- Will I win in court?
It is necessary to know that questions asked out of pure curiosity will never be answered in a horoscope. So please only ask questions that have a deeper emotional meaning for you.
How do you know that your question is authentic?
Your question is authentic if it is important to you personally and moves you deeply.
When is the right time to ask a question?
If you have already tried to find the answer to your question and still feel that you need guidance and clarity, you will realize that this is the right time to ask the question to an astrologer.
The course of the Horary Consultation
Please fill out the contact form and send me your question, which you have formulated as clearly as possible. If necessary, I will ask you for further clarification. We will then make an appointment to discuss your question.
Horary consultation can be booked as individual consultation or in combination with other astrological consultations.
If you only book a horary horoscope, the consultation will take place online or by telephone.
If you combine this consultation with other consultations, the meeting can also take place in my practice in the 7th district.
The consultation lasts max. 15 minutes.
Fee: 40 € for one question.
includes calculation, analysis of the horoscope and the consultation