Focus on parent-child relationships: how parents and children influence each other. How do you operate as a family?
(Mother - child horoscope, father - child horoscope)
Counsultations can be combined, depending on your subject matter. Skype consultations are possible.
Client, 30, Vienna
Explore your family horoscope, your children's horoscope or your birth chart to connect the dots. Book your in-person astrological consultation with Viennese astrologer Tanja Ristovski now. Online consultations are available.
Book your appointmentIn the child - parent horoscope consultation we examine how predispositions of a child and behaviours and mind-set of a parent influence each other. Similarities and differences between parent and daughter or son are examined, and how a parent can support the individuality of the child.
The astrological analyzes of the child - parent horoscope enables insights about challenges within the family and reveals new perspectives and possibilities for the father-son or mother-daughter relationship.
In the same time, the parent-child astrology reveals chances for parents to grow as individuals and develop personal potentials through this very special bond.
The starting point of the interpretation is the fact that the quality of the mother-child or father-child relationship has dimensions that go beyond the basic biological responsibilities of parenthood.
Parents, who are born with certain psychological and physical dispositions, make their experiences and bring them along in their life with the child. On the other hand, a child is born with its own dispositions and the first thing it confronts is the world of the parents. It is the interaction between the child and its environment - which includes beliefs and mind-set of parents - where young personality starts to form and develop.
This horoscope analyses opens new perspectives on how to deal with challenges in the family life.
*Quotation Erich Kästner
All fees include the calculation, analysis, evaluation of horoscopes and the consultation.
* Note: does not apply to clients whose first consultation was horary astrology
250€ Analysis for two siblings (two horoscopes). Consultation 60 min.
250€ Analysis for one parent and child (two horoscopes)*. Consultation 60 min.
350€ for the first time clients. Consultation 60 min.
350€ Analysis for one parent and two children (three horoscopes)*. Consultation 90 min.
450€ For the first time clients. Consultation 90 min.
350€ Analysis for both parents and one child (three horoscopes)*. Consultation 90 min.
450€ Analysis for both parents and one child, if one parent is a first time client (three horoscopes)*. Consultation 90 min.
550€ For the first time clients (three horoscopes). Consultation 90 min.
450€ Analysis for both parents and two children (four horoscopes)*. Consultation 110 min.
550€ Analysis for both parents and two children, if one parent is a first time client (four horoscopes)*. Consultation 110 min.
650€ For the first time clients. Consultation 110 min.
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