The longevity of a relationship can be derived from the compatibility of psychological needs: They are about to read:
- Always and Forever
- Oprah Winfrey and Graham Stendam
- Graham Stendam - Stellium in the fish
- Oprah Winfrey - Aquarius with Moon in Sagittarius
- The water and air combination
In situations where it is not possible or practical to make partner comparisons, horary astrology offers insights that are different in nature but provide relevant details that cannot be determined by other astrological methods. To find out more, read the text "Should I move in with my partner? And other relationship questions".
Always and forever
One expectation common to all romantic relationships, regardless of whether they end in marriage, is that the relationship will last forever at its best. However, since a partnership is not an unchangeable entity but a dynamic connection that reflects the nature and development of both partners, it is also subject to change.
Client 41, Vienna
Explore your relationship horoscope or annual horoscope with Viennese astrologer Tanja Ristovski. Online consultations are available.
Schedule appointmentEvery inner or outer transformation of a partner has an effect on the relationship. If the motivations for a partnership and the needs of two people match or are compatible, it is more likely that the relationship will survive challenges unscathed. In my previous article on relationships, I used a prominent example to explain the predispositions for relationship breakup. The actual cause of a relationship breakdown is to be found in the personal needs and individual motivation for a partnership.
Oprah Winfrey and Graham Stendam
I will now examine aspects of a long-term relationship and analyze the horoscopes of another celebrity couple, Oprah Winfrey and Graham Stendam. While the exact birth data of Stendam is known, there are different birth time indications for Oprah Winfrey. Although I will therefore not consider Oprah’s Ascendant, enough insight can be gained from her chart to understand the bond between the two.
In this analysis as well, I will leave aside the physical attraction between partners and look deeper into the horoscopes to see what has kept these two people together for 30 years.
Graham Stendam's emphasis on Pisces
The Graham Stendam's chart of shows strong emphasis on Pisces and the 4th house. Both Sun and Moon are within the Pisces stellium. This suggests high sensitivity, openness to impressions and strong empathy. Subliminal forces direct behavior, one is drowned by feelings and such amount of sensitivity may render person vulnerable. The is a strong need to understand impressions and facilitate dealing with feelings that are stirred up so easy. Spirituality comes from the same need, introspection is emphasized because feelings need a structure
T-square with Saturn, Mars and Uranus as the focal point suggests strong personality, individualism and love for freedom. This configuration adds energy and executive power to otherwise dreamy and lethargic Pisces emphases. Mars and Venus in Aries imply strong need to assert and prove oneself in relationships. In the same time he needs a partner that perceives and appreciates his markedly emotional being.
Relationship planets in Aries, and Sun-Moon blend in Pisces that is already occupied with own inner life, could lead to extremely subjective attitudes and world views that might prove problematic in many areas of life. Jupiter in Pisces in the 4th house dreams of a soul mate to establish emotional security and safety. In order to establish or keep emotional balance Graham Stendam needs someone who understands him and his personal emotionally distinctive relation to the world. Soul connectedness is of outmost importance for him.
Oprah Winfrey's Aquarius emphasis
In the chart of Oprah Winfrey, with her Aquarius Sun, Venus and Mercury combined with Sagittarius Moon, we see strong interest in people and altruistic attitude. There is an ability to transform emotions and passions into ideas and concepts. This results in a philosophical understanding of the world and people.
Oprah's passionate nature is strong, as signified by T-square with Pluto, Mercury and the focal planet Mars in Scorpio. This astrological picture suggests once more ability to divert the passionate energy into higher goals according to Moon in Sagittarius vision. This is also valid for her relationships. The square between Saturn in Scorpio and Sun in Aquarius adds deep insight to the combination.
Venus and Sun in Aquarius seek friendship in relationships above all, so mutual trust and support are truly important. Besides independence and much free space, her Moon in Sagittarius needs a partner that admires the well developed intellectual capabilities and broad world view. If also the higher goals and visions can be shared, Oprah has found her perfect match.
The Water - Air combination
What we see in these two horoscopes, is that needs and motivation for a relationship are compatible. Oprah can find philosophical understanding for emotional depths and subliminal drives of her partner. She provides thus not only the emotionally safe harbor but also facilitates his need for self-understanding and objectification. Furthermore, his emphasized empathy and feeling nature can gain clear structure and direction through Oprah’s altruistic orientation and higher goals that she cultivates. Oprah receives admiration and sympathetic understanding not only for her intelligence and wisdom, but also for her unconventional life style that keeps her busy and likely not much available for private romantic moments. In this combination, the physical absence of a partner won’t influence the course of relationships, because the intimately important bond is made on another level.
Nonetheless, even such horoscope combination does not guarantee that the couple will stay together. Much depends on individual history and on how one has learned to deal with dispositions and potential suggested by the horoscope.
For example, were the opportunities to get away from abusive environment and lack of support missing in her life, the social interest and needs indicated by Aquarius Sun square Saturn in Scorpio could have developed into general mistrust in people, even misanthropy. That would make a fulfilling partnership difficult to achieve. On the other hand, when Pisces are emphasized as in Stendam’s chart, and if understanding parent was missing or there were no religious or other spiritual and emotional agents to facilitate abundant sensitivity, an extreme touchiness that entangles emotional expression could develop. That could lead to an enormously gloomy world view. If that were the case, the probability of comparability would be drastically diminished.
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